Credit Shield is an optional insurance plan which covers your credit card outstanding balance against any emergencies. The policy benefits include insurance against Accidental Death, Total & Permanent Disablement due to Accident or Sickness, Critical Illness and Involuntary Loss of Employment (ILOE). A complimentary life cover, which includes Natural death and Top-Up life cover is also available on the Credit Shield.

On enrolling for Credit Shield you will be charged a monthly nominal premium of 1.0395% (includes value added tax (VAT) at the rate of 5%) of your total credit card outstanding balance. The premium billed will reflect on your monthly credit card statement.

Example: If your credit card outstanding balance for any given month is AED 10,000. Your Credit Shield premium for that month will be AED 104.

Coverage limits

Policy Coverage Platinum Titanium
Natural Death/Total & Permanent Disablement due to Sickness AED 100,000 AED 75,000
Accidental Death/Total & Permanent Disablement due to Accident AED 100,000 AED 75,000
Top-Up Life Cover AED 100,000 AED 75,000
Critical Illness AED 100,000 AED 75,000
Involuntary Loss of Employment In the event of involuntary Loss of employment of the primary Cardholder after the Commencement Date and during the Policy Period, the Company shall pay 10% of the Sum Insured as on the Date of Event or credit limit whichever is lower but not exceeding a maximum amount payable of AED 4,000/- for each month of the primary Cardholder’s unemployment subject to Maximum Monthly Benefit payable and the Total Period of such indemnity shall not exceed 12 months from the date of actual unemployment.


Death, Disability & Critical Illness Benefit Involuntary Loss of Employment (ILOE)
Minimum Age at Entry 18 Years 18 Years
Maximum Age at Entry 69 Years 59 Years
Maximum Age at Claim 70 Years 60 Years

Claim Procedure

The credit card holder or his/her beneficiary should contact Abu Dhabi National Insurance Company (ADNIC) - Tel.: 024080100 or Fax: 026268600, toll free no. 8008040, or send an email to [email protected] or [email protected] or visit any ADCB Branch to report the claim.

Please click here to print the claim form. Upon receipt of claim notification, ADNIC would register the claim, allocate & advice a claim number and required documents.

Please remember that you have 30 days from the date of the covered event to report the claim and all requested documents are essential for processing the claim by ADNIC.

For Terms & Conditions of the scheme click here.

For Terms & Conditions of the complimentary life cover, click here.

Disclaimer: Insurance Products are made available to clients based on their need analysis and request. Insurance products are underwritten by respective insurance providers and issued subject to their terms and conditions. Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank (ADCB) does not offer insurance advice, nor does it manage, underwrite or issue insurance policies. ADCB is not responsible for rejected applications or claims by any insurance company. Premiums received by ADCB for insurance plans are not bank deposits. This web page is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer or solicitation to purchase insurance products.